Friday, December 26, 2008

Manage web sessions in database with .net 2.0

This is the utility placed in the .net framwork v2.0 folder within the windows directory.

just run the command and you will get a script to make a db and it will automatically create the required tables and procedured in it.
Just run the command and execute the sql script generated by the command on the target server.

-S servername
-U username
-P password
/*just add -ssaddd parameter to tell sql that you are going to add the functionalities */
-sqlexportonly c:\sqlscript.txt
/* this will generate the script to the specified path */
-sstype p
/* in sstype paramerter specifying P will mention that you are enforcing persistant database*/

command will be like

aspnet_regsql.exe -S myserver -U username -P password -ssaddd -sqlexportonly c:\sqlscript.txt -sstype p

There are some useful articles which you must read to get some detailed knowledge.

Reference Links :

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Windows Restart because RPC Service Restarts Unexpectedly

Dear Fellows !

This is because of a Worm attack on your system, it can be resolved if you take the mentioned below steps carefully.

1. Ensure Latest Service pack for your operating system.
2. Find MBlast.exe in your task manager and stop it
3. Go to Control Panel-> Administrative Tools -> Services and Find "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)", check properties and under Recovery Select "Take No Action" under all failure conditions.
4. Now your computer will not restart but the worm is still there you need to remove it so that your system should come to a normal position.

5. Download Patch from the mentioned link

6. Follow the instruction of Symantec for Removal of the Worm at the mentioned below link.

Database Comparison Tool

Dear Fellows !

Here is a great tool offered by StarInix which comperes Microsoft SQL Server databases for FREE !

Download Link is mentioned below: